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Registration fee (non-refundable):

Regular Congress Fee: 580EUR per person

Student Congress Fee: 400EUR per person.

Congress Fees include:

- Up to 3 nights’ accommodation with up to three meals per day and coffee breaks per day at the OAC premisses.


- Regular fee includes either single or double room (based on the preference of each Conference Participant and the availability of the OAC). Student fee includes shared room.


- Conference materials.


Please note that all fees are not offered on a day-by-day basis. Moreover, no exclusion of some components from the fee is permitted. They are fixed fees.


The payment deadline is Tuesday, July 15th, 2025 (non-refundable), by bank transfer.

Bank: Cooperative Bank of Chania

Account holder: Orthodox Academy of Crete

Account Number: 113505004

IBAN: GR20 0690 0080 0000 0011 3505 004


Bank address:

Cooperative Bank of Chania


73132 Chania



Account holder address:

Orthodox Academy of Crete

73006 Kolympari




- The bank account accepts only EUR (not other currencies).

- All bank charges are at the sender's expense.


- It is absolutely necessary to mention at the comments section of the bank transfer: a) the name of the Conference Participant and b) “ANALOGY”.



©Analogy Congress 2025. All rights reserved

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