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Extended deadline

The Third World Congress on Analogy will be held on 6-8 November 2023 in Puebla, Mexico. It is organized by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico) in cooperation with Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland).


 We invite submissions for contributions on all aspects of Analogy in Science, Philosophy, Humanities and Art. Works of an interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome.

To submit a contribution please send a one page abstract, and/or to submit a symposium proposal, please send: title of symposium, principal organizer/chair (name, affiliation, email), 3-5 speakers (names, affiliations, emails, and tentative talk titles), session description (< 400 words)  to: by 10 of October 2023.


Submission deadline: 10th of October 2023

Notification of acceptance: 14th of October 2023

Congress: 6-8 November 2023

We are looking forward to meeting you in Puebla during this international event gathering researchers from all over the world.

©Analogy Congress 2025. All rights reserved

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